
The first step in master selection in any installation is the anchors initialization in RTLS Manager. The goal of the anchors initialization is to find a suitable master anchor(s). RTLS Manager conducts measurement among all anchors to get link overall quality. The output of this measurement is the suggested master anchor(s).


Below you can find steps for Anchor Initialization based on the RTLS Studio version you have:

  1. Navigate to the Initialization tab in RTLS Manager section Anchor (Basic).
  2. Click on the green New Anchor Initialization button.
  3. Select Anchor IP range and run the initialization.

    Sectional Initialization

    From RTLS Studio 2.3 it is possible to do Sectional Initialization.

  4. The Initialization process will take some time.
  5. After the Initialization is finished, the anchors for the role of the master will be suggested to you automatically when the process finishes. 
    You can set Master anchor as suggested.
  6. The table shows the overall score of the corresponding anchor for the role of the master anchor. In lab conditions, all anchors should have a green score. However, in a larger installation, the scores can vary quite significantly, depending on the radio environment and anchors distance. 
  7. Details about values shown after Anchor Initialization you can find in section Initialization Result Score Table.

  1. Navigate to the Initialization tab in RTLS Manager section Anchor (Basic).
  2. Select Anchor IP range.
  3. Click on the green Start Anchor Initialization button.
  4. The Initialization process will take some time.
  5. After the Initialization is finished, the anchors for the role of the master will be suggested to you automatically when the process finishes. 
    You can set Master anchor as suggested.
  6. The table shows the overall score of the corresponding anchor for the role of the master anchor. In lab conditions, all anchors should have a green score. However, in a larger installation, the scores can vary quite significantly, depending on the radio environment and anchors distance. 
  7. Details about values shown after Anchor Initialization you can find in section Initialization Result Score Table.

Master selection above 6 anchors in the installation

Simple deployments may use Master Anchor suggested by automatic Anchor Initialization procedure only (as shown in step 5 above). 

Nevertheless, larger deployment (>6 anchors) might require manual Master selection adjustment to achieve the best results.