myRTLS Cloud

MyRTLS Cloud deployment consists of two steps:

  1. You have to set your site on myRTLS Cloud for Cloud deployment first.
  2. The second step is to install Device Care Data Probe and you can start collecting the data. 

Secured Communication

The data collected by Device Cara Data Probe from RTLS Server are just simple logs including system data. It is a one-way communication that goes from the data probe to myRTLS via secured HTTPS port 443. There is no other communication back to RTLS server from myRTLS. 

myRTLS Cloud Deployment

You have got access to myRTLS Cloud and you are logged in. 

After the site first access, you will be redirected to section deployment. Where you choose a type of deployment you are going to proceed. 

For the myRTLS Cloud deployment and data collection follow the steps below: 

  1.  Select what deployment of myRTLS you would like to have → Cloud
  2. Confirm the selection by the Select button. 
  3. Your myRTLS Site is set for Cloud deployment.
  4. As the next step, you have to install Device Care Data Probe on your RTLS Server to start collecting and sending data from RTLS Studio to myRTLS Cloud. 
    1. See more details on the page Device Care Installation

If you have any issues with access to myRTLS Cloud or any troubles establishing the cloud connection, feel free to open a ticket on Sewio Service Desk.