RTLS Studio provides comprehensive API which is used to give the user position data, sensors’ data and other metadata related to indoor positioning such as building information, floorplans and zones. An overview of the communication architecture can be found in the figure below:

There are three connectors for accessing the position data on server through the API. 

  • REST → Provides all available metadata information and positioning data. Can be used to access static and historic data, like information about Buildings, Floorplans, Tags, Anchors etc. It is the only connector that is able to get static data from the database.

  • Websockets → It is used in applications where real-time positioning acquisition is required. Websockets can only provide positioning data. To access historic data, please use the REST connector.

  • UDP → It is used where Tags with very fast refresh intervals are employed. UDP stream can only provide positioning data. To access historic data, please use the REST connector.


Interactive API is available at the online Sewio DEMO

The table below describes the feasibility of each connector to be used for a specific type of data:

Type of data



UDP Stream

Static data (Buildings, Floor plans etc.)




Historic data




Real-time positioning data




Real-time Inertial sensors data




Zones data




Tag Position / Building Change




Anchor Position / Building Change




The data are stored on a host server in the form of a MySQL Database. The database can be accessed by the three connectors described above. The fourth option is to access the database directly. However, this is not recommended and Sewio cannot provide any support here, since inexperienced access to database can significantly affect system performance.