Understanding Anchor Restriction Setting Parameters

Restrictions Hierarchy

When nothing is set, the calculation is using a global RTLS Server configuration.

When a master anchor is being used for a calculation and it has its custom settings, all values defined in the Master Anchor Restriction settings will override the global configuration in the calculation.

When a neighbor anchor is used in calculation with master specifying special master/neighbor settings (usually only thresholds), the thresholds of the global settings and master's settings are overridden.

Anchor Restriction Setting Parameters Overview

ParameterPossible ValuesDescriptionOther

Position Data Output

Store To DB0 (No), 1 (Yes)Whether the positions calculated by this anchors should be stored in database.

Position Data Filtering

Zone Tolerance<1, 100>How further away from localization cells are the positions accepted.
Ignore Border Positions0 (No), 1 (Yes)Whether the positions lying near the edge (0-10 cm) of the localization cell are discarded.

The edge of the localization cell is determined by the position of anchors used in current calculation and the zone tolerance.

Position Adjustment

Z-Axis Compensation-1 (Off), <0, 100>Height of the tags from the ground in meters. When set the calculation is done in 3D.

Helps to make the localization more precise for deployments with big anchor/tag height differences.

The height of the anchors must be set.

Position Calculation Settings

Mpfit Bestnorm Threshold<0, 10 000>The bigger the value the worse positions are accepted.
Optimum Error Threshold<0, 1 000>The bigger the value the worse positions are accepted.
Corrected Optimum Error Percentage<0, 1 000>The bigger the value the worse positions are accepted.
Max Number Of Computing Anchors{3, …, 100}How many anchors may maximally be used for position calculation.
Min Number Of Computing Anchors{3, …, 100}How many anchors may minimally be used for position calculation.
Min Number Of Correcting Anchors{3, …, 100}When the first calculation fails, the recalculation is done with fewer anchors. Minimal number of these anchors is defined by this value.

Anchor Synchronization

Sync Firstpath Threshold<-115, -75>Threshold for synchronization signals. (First Path)
Sync RXPowerLevel Threshold<-115, -75>Threshold for synchronization signals. (RX Power Level)
Sync Firstpath Index Threshold<0, 1 024>Threshold for synchronization signals. (First Path Index)

Tag Blink Raw Filtering

Blink Firstpath Index Threshold<0, 1 024>Threshold for blink signals. (First Path)
Blink Firstpath Threshold<-115, -75>Threshold for blink signals. (RX Power Level)
Blink RXPowerLevel Threshold<-115, -75>Threshold for blink signals. (First Path Index)