Support Services

Sewio guarantees the following support

PlansmyRTLS Care
Operation Hours

8/5 CET

Access to Service Desk

Remote Support

Critical Incidents First Response/Update4 BH
Consultations1 BD
Major Incidents First Response/Update2 BD
Minor Incidents First Response5 BD

BD – Business Day (Mo-Fri); NBD – Next Business Day; BH – Business Hour (8:30 – 16:30 CET); n/a – Not guaranteed.

Eligibility for the Service

This Service is available for purchase globally to all Sewio Partners who would like to utilize the experience of Sewio as a technical resource.

Prerequisites for this service are:

  • The incident is reported by a technician with Technical Training Level 3 on Sewio Service Desk 
  • Valid myRTLS Care license
  • Remote access to RTLS Studio server on request
  • Physical access to monitored location on request (if necessary)

It is recommended that the discovery and design (floorplan with monitored areas, anchors placement, monitored objects paths, zones, etc.) is approved by Sewio. However, if you prefer not to have the Discovery and Design approved by Sewio, you can still utilize myRTLS Care, however, Sewio cannot guarantee incident resolution in case it is identified that the Discovery and Design is done incorrectly.

Sewio Support Services

As the first step, create an incident on Sewio Service Desk with a description of the problem. To what information you should provide see on page How to Make a Support Ticket.

Support TypeDescription
Access to Service DeskAs a Sewio partner, you have always access to Sewio Service Desk where you can open a new ticket. The ticket will be assigned to a Customer Experience engineer and will be answered based on myRTLS Care plan for the related project.
Remote support

Customer Experience engineer can assist remotely for 30 or 60 minutes within BD hours, depending on myRTLS Care plan. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance. The partner must define the exact scope of work (WoS) expected for the remote session. 

Remote support requirement

A partner must provide remote access to the RTLS Studio. It could be done for example by TeamViewer or AnyDesk.

If you need longer support on a given day than your myRTLS Care plan includes, you will need to buy a man day (MD). 

Severity Levels Definition

Not all support requests are the same. The Severity level describes how big of an impact the issue is having on your system. Choosing the right severity level for your request is important because it helps the Support team to prioritise your request.

Each severity level has a particular definition, which you can see in the table below. These definitions are intended as guidelines: use them to find the severity level that is the best fit for the issue you're experiencing, even if it doesn't match the definition exactly.

Critical LevelA problem that severely impacts your use of the system in a production environment. The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.
  • RTLS Studio is crashing
  • All anchors are unreachable
Major LevelA problem where the system is functioning (RTLS Studio is running and anchors are reachable) but your use in a production environment is severely reduced. The situation is causing a high impact on portions of your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.
  • A significant portion of expected positions are lost during the last hour
  • Many position outliers are present
Minor LevelA problem that involves partial, non-critical loss of use of the system in a production environment. There is a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function, including by using a procedural workaround.
  • Numerous portions of expected positions are lost during the last hour
  • Some features are not working (e.g. web interface issues)

During the implementation phase, you can consult setting and currently steps on the site with a Customer Experience engineer. The consultation includes a broad range of activities like diagnosis, data collection, feedback, implementation, and others. The goal is to optimise/tune Sewio RTLS in the best way for a given project to succeed in the project hand-over to your client. 

  • A partner record a capture and shares it to Sewio with description of issue which is not able optimise/avoid by itself. 
Other LevelA general usage question, reporting of a documentation error, or recommendation for a future product enhancement or modification.

Sewio shall not be liable for any indirect, special, and/or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the provision of the support services; provided, however, that the foregoing limitation shall not apply to (i) damages caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct and liability which cannot be ruled out by the agreement of the parties under the respective law. Liability for damages by Sewio is capped by the total amount of the maintenance and support fees actually paid by the Customer during the last 12 calendar months.

How to Open a Ticket?

Report a ticket directly in case anything requires troubleshooting.

  1. To create a new ticket click on Report Ticket in Main menu on
  2. You will be redirected on Sewio Portal under the project that myRTLS site is related to. 

  3. Create a ticket by Create Ticket button in Tickets/RMAs section

  4. Specify the ticket type and priority, and add Subject
    In case of reporting incident, describe the issue you have and define expected behaviour. You shloud provide as much information as possible. 

    If localisation performance is sub-optimal, you can share with us the RTLS capture

    RTLS capture helps us diagnose problems in your system. It includes all network communication among RTLS devices, and exact coordinates of anchors and plan. All these data are bundled into one zip file, which can be sent to Sewio Support team and further analyzed for problems. 

    Please follow the steps Creating a Capture.

  5. When all information added, press Create button.
    A new ticket will be created and Customer Experience team will come back to based on your myRTL Care plan licence.

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