RTLS Studio 2.4

Welcome to RTLS Studio 2.4 Product Tour.

This page contains information about new features of the RTLS Studio and guides on how to use them properly.

UPDATED RTLS Studio bundle for Docker

RTLS Studio is now available for all partners via Sewio Portal

NEW Tag Zones

Tag Zone allows assigning a mobile zone with a configurable radius to a tag. Furthermore, it triggers events such as meets/leaves once the tag zone intersection appears. Tag Zones are manageable via API. For more details please follow the section Tag Zones.. 

NEW Universal Unique ID (UUID)

RTLS Studio 2.4 brings a new Universal Unique ID (UUID) attachable to any feed (building, tag, or anchor). Implementation follows RFC4122. 

What is the benefit? It helps with RTLS Studio integration with 3rd party system. The main use case is to pair tags with UUID in client’s own ERP/WMS. 

  • UUID provides a manageable identifier for pairing procedure tag to other entity (pallet, asset, etc.).  
  • UUID is universally unique, so multiple RTLS Studio instances within the same facility could share the same UUID.


  • UUIDs are pre-generated (contains MAC address string) for a newly attached Anchors and Tags within the system.
  • UUID is present as attribute within a feed body. API for FEEDs (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) is also available for UUID management.

  • Furthermore, UUID is manageable via RTLS Manager. Here is an example for tags.

UPDATED  Backup-restore

  • progress of backup and restore is now visualized in GUI
  • added checks for disk size prior to creating backup or restoring backup
  • please find more information about the back-up procedure here.