Defining a Zone

The recommended approach of how to define the zone most precisely in Sensmap is to use 4 to 6 RTLS tags placed in the corners and edges of the physical area you wish to define as a virtual zone.


  • An RTLS system is installed and operational.
  • RTLS tags (4 to 6 pcs) are to be placed at the boundary points.
  • Understanding how to create a zone in Zone Editor

Steps to Define a Zone in Sensmap

Step 1: Planning the Zone

  1. Identify the Physical Area:

    • Clearly define the physical area that you want to convert into a virtual zone.
    • Ensure the area is within the coverage range of your RTLS infrastructure.
  2. Determine Boundary Points:

    • Select 4 to 6 strategic points that define the corners or edges of the physical area.
    • Ensure these points form a closed shape to properly outline the zone.

Minimum zone size

Sewio recommends having a minimum zone site of 1.5x1.5 meters to keep reliability as high as possible. 

Step 2: Placing the Tags

  1. Assign RTLS Tags:

    • Label the RTLS tags that you will use for defining the zone (e.g., Tag 1, Tag 2, etc.).
    • Ensure the tags are fully operational and charged.
    • Set a higher refresh interval to ensure that you have enough position calculated during zone definition.

      Tag Setting Recommendation

      Sewio recommends RI=250ms and Sleep mode=disabled.

  2. Physically Place Tags:

    • Place the tags at the predetermined boundary points.
    • Secure the tags to avoid movement, ensuring they remain in their respective positions.

Step 3: Configuring the Zone in the RTLS System

  1. Add a New Zone:

    • Draw a new zone in the Zone Editor based on how the tag's positions are calculated on the Sensmap. 
    • Ensure the zone accurately reflects the physical area intended.
    • If the zone does not accurately reflect the desired area, adjust the coordinates or reposition the tags as necessary.

Step 4: Finalizing the Zone

  1. Save the Virtual Zone:

    • Once the zone is accurately defined, save the configuration in the RTLS system.
  2. Test the Zone:

    • Conduct a test to ensure the virtual zone operates as expected → simulate the use case
    • Verify that the system accurately detects when a tag enters or exits the zone.

Step 5: Monitoring and Maintenance

  1. Regular Monitoring:

    • Regularly monitor the virtual zone for accuracy.
    • Ensure the RTLS tags remain in their designated positions and are functioning correctly.
  2. Periodic Maintenance:

    • Periodically recalibrate the zone as needed, especially if there are changes in the physical environment or RTLS infrastructure.

Best Practices

  • Precision in Placement: Ensure tags are placed precisely at the boundary points to maintain the accuracy of the virtual zone.
  • Environmental Considerations: Be aware of physical obstructions or environmental factors that may affect tag signal accuracy.


  • If the virtual zone is not accurately detecting entries or exits, verify the tag positions and ensure they are correctly calibrated in the system.
  • Contact technical support for further assistance.