Advanced Zone Parameters

In Count / Interval

To enter the zone, a tag must be present in the zone for some amount of positions. The number of positions needed is specified by In Count parameter.

There is a maximal interval between these positions for them to be counted. If the time gap between positions from inside the zone is bigger than the In Interval parameter, the counter is reset.

The positions from outside of the zone do not reset the counter.

Out Count / Interval

To leave the zone, a tag must be present out of the zone for some amount of positions. The number of positions needed is specified by Out Count parameter.

There is a maximal interval between these positions for them to be counted. If the time gap between positions from outside of the zone is bigger than the Out Interval parameter, the counter is reset.

The positions inside of the zone do reset the counter.

Out Zone / Out Timeout

Do not ever overlap any zone with its Out Zone, because it may lead to unexpected behavior.

Each zone may have one out zone. To leave a zone the tag has to get inside of the specified Out Zone. Getting inside of the Out Zone is specified by its own settings.

Out Count and Out Interval parameters have no effect when the Out Zone is set without Out Timeout.

Out Timeout is a failsafe mechanism making the tag leave a zone with Out Zone without getting into it after the specified timeout runs out.

Getting out of the zone with Out Timeout (using its Out Count and Out Interval) will start the timeout countdown.

Pre-In Zone / Pre-In Interval

If you need to generate in zone events only when the other zone is entered and left before, you may use the Pre-In Zone. There may be one Pre-In Zone per zone.

Pre-In Zone is taken into account only when the Pre-In Interval is specified. To generate an entrance event the zone must be entered in Pre-In Interval from leaving the Pre-In Zone.


The zone may be part of any number of groups. The regular zone groups have no effect at all. They will be used in the future to make a creation of events in more customizable.

There is also an exclusive type of group. Every tag can be only in one zone of the exclusive zone group at the same time.

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