RTLS System Communication

RTLS Communication Layers

The UWB communication includes two communication layers. The Blink layer and the Sync layer.

Blink Layer (Tag → Anchor)

The tags send UWB messages called blinks to the anchors. The anchors then receive these UWB blink messages, process received information, and send information to the RTLS server. RTLS Server then calculates the precise position based on that UWB blink message. This type of communication between the anchors and tags is called blink, and the communication layer is called the blink layer. The blink layer is indicated with black dotted lines in the figure below.

Sync Layer (Master Anchor → Anchors)

The second type of communication is realized between the anchors. In order to precisely estimate the position, the anchors need to be accurately synchronized. This is a goal of the so-called master anchors within the system. The server periodically sends information to these masters that should synchronize neighboring anchors. The masters then send synchronization messages via UWB to the slave anchors in their vicinity. This type of communication between the anchors is called Sync, and the communication layer is called the Sync layer. The sync layer is indicated with green dotted lines in the figure below.

In table below you can see more details like what medium is used and what is purpuse of the specific communication between devices: