Disc Specification

If you intend to store historical data into the database or if you wish to use our SAGE Analytics software, you’ll need to have a hard drive (ideally SSD) available on the server. The size of the drive depends on how much data (how old) you wish to keep. One discrete tag’s location takes 100 B. From this, you can derive how much of the disc space is needed for particular application. Estimation can be done using the following calculation:

Example: I have 20 tags with 100 ms refresh interval and a 1 TB disc. This means that each hour, the system will generate a database size of 72 MB, which is 1.728 GB per day. This means that the disc will be able to store historic data for approximately 579 days.

However, this consider just location data itself. The database also stores battery information, device logs etc., which means that the true capacity will be lower. Reserve at least 10% of the disc space for this additional overhead.