Anchor Synchronization

Set of internal parameters controlling and evaluating synchronization. Do not modify with exception of parameter “Udp Broadcast Address” if your anchors are in different network than default 192.168.225.x/24

possible values: valid IPv4 address


Broadcast IP address where are sent sync requests.

possible values: range from 100 to 100000 miliseconds

default: 1000

possible values: 1 / 2 / 4

default: 4

Number of duplicate syncs sent by anchors. 

Note: this setting must be the same among all anchors.

Second Diff Threshold

possible values: number in range from 0 to 100

default: 2

Discard sync Anchors which has second diff worse than set value.

Coefficient Kalman Filter

possible values: Yes / No

default: Yes

Enable or disable Coefficient Kalman filter.

Sync Firstpath Threshold

possible values: number in range from -115 to -75

default: -115

System will not calculate with sync Anchors which firstPath is worse than set value.

Sync Rxpowerlevel Threshold

possible values: number in range from -115 to -75

default: -100

System will not calculate with sync Anchors which rxPowerLevel is worse than set value.

Sync Firstpath Index Threshold

possible values: number in range from 0 to 1024

default: 400

System will not calculate with sync Anchors which firstpath_index is below the set value. For avoiding collisions. 

Master As A Tag

possible values: Yes / No

default: No

Do not use. For development purpose.