Tag Blink Raw Filtering

Blink First path Index Threshold

possible values:  number in range from 0 to 1024

default: 720

This filter helps to detect collisions among tags. Blink that is probably collided with another has Firstpath Index lower than 720. However, sometimes FPI drops in farther distance between anchor and tag (especially in NLOS), so if you are confident that collisions ought to be rare in your system, you can lower this value (e.g. setting value lower than 300 effectively disables this filter). Otherwise lowering the value can lead to unwanted positions drops.

Blink Firstpath Threshold

possible values:  number in range from -115 to -75

default: -115

Discards blink from anchor that received tag’s signal with firstpath lower than set value.

Blink Rxpowerlevel Threshold

possible values:  number in range from -115 to -75

default: -115

Discards blink from anchor that received tag’s signal with RSSI lower than set value.