Device Care History

Device Care History extends the data view not only from the time perspective but metric data are present in more complex graphs. 

As the first thing, you need to define the time range by Visible range selection list and set time period.

The Show Alerting Only check box enables to present only data related to alerts invoked based on the set thresholds. If the check box is unchecked there are displayed all data related to the time period. 

Now, you specified the time period and you can see the historical data related to Anchors, Systems, RTLS Studio, and Tags. The following will explain it more.


Online Anchors

The graphs show the number of anchors connected and visible via network to RTLS Studio. 

In our example below you can see that at the given time period number of anchors was changed from 40 anchors to 38 anchors. The red level in the graphs shows the boundary of the threshold (it is 40 anchors in our example). On 5th Jan 2022, the number of online anchors dropped to 38 anchors → alert was sent. 

Localization Cells

The graph shows a synchronization overview per each master. The list of the masters you can find on the left side. For each master, you can see whether its localization cell is correctly synchronized and is used for the localization. Synchronization issues have an impact on localization performance.

The state of the localization cell can be as follows:

  • OK  Localization cell is fully operational (or acts as a bridge if there are not enough anchors in the anchor restrictions).
  • WARNING  Some of the anchors in the cell are not utilized, but the overall localization in this cell should be fine.
  • BAD  The cell is not used in localization or is performing poorly.



Here you can find a list of all server restarts within the selected time period. The restart notification includes the date and time when the RTLS Server restart occurred. 

CPU Load

The graph CPU Load shows CPU utilization for the given time period. It includes information about each CPU and its percentage usage. If CPU load rises above 90% (red area) an alert will be sent. 

Free HDD

The graph shows the total available HDD space (green) and free space on HDD available (blue). If the free space drops below the defined threshold (red area) an alert will be sent. 

Free RAM

The graph shows the total available RAM capacity (green) and free RAM capacity available (blue). If the free availability drops below the defined threshold (red area) an alert will be sent. 

RTLS Studio

API Latency

The graph shows the average duration of REST API response from the server at the last minute

Position Latency

The graph shows average (blue), maximal (green), and minimal (yellow) duration of position calculations. The duration is measured on the server from receiving anchor messages to receiving the positions via WebSocket (UDP is not supported at the moment).

Service Restarts

Here you can find a list of service restart(s) within the selected time period. The list includes the service name, how many restarts occurred within the time, and the timestamp related to the last restart. 


Tag Batteries

Here you can find a list of all tags and related status for each tag battery. The tag battery state can be as follows:

  • CHARGED  Tags in this state are charged. These will be able to operate for a substantial amount of time (depending on the refresh interval).
  • LOW BATTERY  This metric indicates the tag is slowly reaching the state of turning off due to a lack of power.

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