Device Care Dashboard

The dashboard provides a basic overview of your RTLS System performance. It includes details about localization and monitors RTLS HW performance and status.  

Dashboard Details and Metrics

Localization Cells

Shows a general synchronization overview of whether all localization cells are correctly synchronized and are used for the localization. Synchronization issues have an impact on localization performance.

A localization cell is a group of anchors represented by one master and related neighbors which are linked with the master by anchor restrictions

The state of the localization cell can be as follows:

  • OK Localization cell is fully operational (or acts as a bridge if there are not enough anchors in the anchor restrictions).
  • WARNING Some of the anchors in the cell are not utilized, but the overall localization in this cell should be fine.
  • BADThe cell is not used in localization or is performing poorly.

The dashboard shows how many localization cells are in ok, warning, or bad state: 

Tag Batteries

The tag battery state can be as follows:

  • CHARGEDTags in this state are charged. These will be able to operate for a substantial amount of time (depending on the refresh interval).
  • LOW BATTERY → This metric says the tag is slowly reaching the state of turning off due to a lack of power.

The dashboard shows how many tags are changed and how many tags have got low battery: 

Other Metrics

Online Anchors

This metric shows the current number of online anchors from the networking perspective. The purpose of this metric is to inform us about system stability.

The first number says how many anchors are actually online and the second number is a custom threshold that needs to be set in the Device Care Settings and refresh how many anchors are installed in the system. Every installation should have its custom threshold set in the Device Care Settings (DEFAULT: <5).

The metric is in an error state if the number of online anchors goes below the set threshold. 

On this page:


This metric shows how long the server has been running from the last restart of the server. It goes to alerting state if the value drops below the threshold set in the Device Care Settings (DEFAULT: 600 s).

The metric is in an error state if the uptime is below the defined threshold.

CPU Load

This metric shows the utilization of the CPU during the last 5 minutes. You can set the alerting threshold at Device Care Settings (DEFAULT: 90%).

If the CPU load is above the threshold for too long the metric goes to alerting state. This may result in delayed position calculation and may also have other negative effects on the RTLS system.

Free HDD

This metric shows the current free space on your hard drive. You can set the alerting threshold at Device Care Settings (DEFAULT: 2GB). 

If you don't have enough free space, the metric goes to alerting state. The threshold is deliberately set to 2GB because it is the point where the RTLS Studio stops writing to DB and turns off the logging.

Free RAM

This metric shows the currently available RAM of your server machine. You can set the alerting threshold at Device Care Settings (DEFAULT: 1GB). The threshold is deliberately set to 1GB because it is the point where you may start encountering some issues with the RTLS Studio

If you don't have enough free memory, the metric goes to alerting state. The threshold is deliberately set to 1GB because it is the point where you may start encountering some issues with the RTLS Studio.

API Latency

This metric shows the average duration of REST API response from the server at the last minute. You can set the alerting threshold at Device Care Settings (DEFAULT: 500ms).

If the API responses are delayed longer than the set threshold the metric goes into alerting state.

Positions Latency

This metric shows the average duration of position calculations at the last minute. The duration is measured on the server from receiving anchor messages to receiving the positions via WebSocket (UDP is not supported at the moment). You can set the alerting threshold at Device Care Settings (DEFAULT: 500ms).

If the position calculation takes longer than the set threshold the metric goes into alerting state.

Alert History

This part of the dashboard includes an interactive calendar. One of two states can occur there for each day in the calendar: 

  • No Alerts → There was not any alert happened during the day. The day is represented as green in the calendar.
  • Alerts → One or more alerts occurred during the day or remained from the previous day. The day is represented as red in the calendar.

Click on a specific day and see the alerts. 

Monthly Reports

Use the Download button to download a report from the last month in PDF format. 

By button Automatic Reports you are redirected to Device Care Setting where you can specify what metrics should be included in your report received by email.

The reports available on Device Dashboard are always complete → including all metrics.

For more details about reports see page Device Care Reports